Friday, November 7, 2014

A Winter Warmer… Food for Cold Nights

“Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour.” John Boswell

There’s no doubt about it. Scotland does winter food remarkably well. It’s very likely this is to do with the often bitterly cold climate, the not so hot summer days and the harshest of winter winds. 

To help fight back from these dismal days we use hot and hearty recipes… and boy do we have those in abundance!

From the Scottish favourite of mince and tatties to a thick Scotch broth these winter warmers are bound to put the colour back in your cheeks. Our current favourite however has to be haggis stovies.

So sit back, get your stove ready… and enjoy this recipe for delicious haggis stovies to help warm you up on a cold winter night.

What You Need
3Ibs of tatties (potatoes)
4 small onions (sliced)
2 small heaps of salted butter
Beef or lamb dripping/stock

Optional Extras
Chopped parsley
Salt and pepper

Chop up your potatoes into halves or quarters depending on size
Break down your haggis until it is nice and crumbly
Melt half of your butter into the pot/pan and brown the haggis
Add the rest of the butter and wait until it is completely melted
Add the potatoes, onions and any other ingredients
Pour the stock over the food, cover it up and cook in the oven at 270f/130c for about 2 ½ hours. Remember to check regularly to keep an eye on the liquid. If it dries up add a small amount of water.
Season and serve… delicious!

Do you have a favourite winter recipe? Tell us all about it in the comment section below or email

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