There’s no
doubt about it. Whilst the festive period is traditionally perceived as a
relaxing family occasion with crisp blankets of snow, roaring fires and mulled
wine, it is more often than not, a time where the average adult is whirring
about in a mild panic.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
The Best Christmas Dinner Ever!
the huge sirloin reek’d; hard by plum-porridge stood, and Christmas pie; Nor
fail’d old Scotland to produce, At such high tide, her savoury goose.” – Sir Walter Scott
What makes the perfect Christmas?
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Everyone Wants a Taste of Scotland!
Scotland wants nae skinking ware, that jaups in luggies; But, if ye wish her
gratefu’ prayer…. Gie her a haggis!” Robert Burns
Scotland certainly seems to be on a role at the moment – what with 2014 being the ‘Year of Homecoming’, Lonely Planet naming the country as the 3rd top country to visit in the WORLD, hosting next years Commonwealth Games, and of course, the food & drink industry going from strength to strength!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Fat chance! Could sweets in our checkout aisles be causing obesity?
“Stressed spelt backwards is
desserts...coincidence?” Anon

They’ve got us exactly where they want us!
But could the days of sweets and sugary goods crowding our
supermarket checkouts be coming to an end?
Friday, October 4, 2013
Good food for cold nights
"You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces — just good food from fresh ingredients”- Julia Child

Friday, September 27, 2013
Awards or Word of Mouth?
“Awards become corroded, friends gather no dust.” – Jesse Owens.

The accolade is this time for his London restaurant Dinner by Heston Blumenthal, in the latest edition of the annual guide to the best food in the UK and Ireland.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Crazy for Cakes
“My aim really is to get everyone to love baking.” – Mary Berry.
The Great British Bake Off – or GBBO to us fans - has made the country go crazy for cakes.
Whether it’s George Clooney-eque looks of judge Paul Hollywood, the contestants’ longing to please co-judge Mary Berry, the terrible puns of hosts Mel and Sue, the pastel kitchens with every piece of kitchen armoury you could wish for, or simply a competition with an old-fashioned British sense of integrity and comradeship, the formula is certainly a winner.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Best bar none : Brian Sollitt - the chocolatier magician
"In cooking, as in all the arts, simplicity is the sign of perfection." - Curnonsky
It was sad to read this week that one such man, Brian
Sollitt passed away at the age of 74.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Scottish food industry continues with boom
"The secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside" - Mark Twain
Some great news for the industry this week with the suggestion that more than 5,600 extra jobs could be created by expanding food and drink companies in Scotland's booming sector by 2018.
Bank of Scotland carried out research that showed the demand for new workers will increase as companies target new export markets.

Bank of Scotland carried out research that showed the demand for new workers will increase as companies target new export markets.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Food review sites - friend or foe?
“After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relations.” – Oscar Wilde
But with so many online outlets allowing consumers to field
their food frustrations it can be difficult to sit back and take it all on
the chin.
However, one restaurateur may wish he had bit his tongue
after an argument with one of his diners caused a viral stir.
The argument began when a food reviewer known as ‘Sinsand’
dined at the Bladebone Inn near Reading and had complained about his portion of
beef rib with marrow bone smoked mash.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Is the latest vending machine a chip off the old block?

But none can really beat those plump and tasty treats from your local fish and
chip shop or for those partial to a French fry you can’t get better than the thin and crisp chips from your favourite fast food outlet.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Cafe’s biggest flans in five hour standoff over quiche
“It is the food which you furnish to your mind that determines the
whole character of your life.” – Emmet Fox

We’ve all had that mad craving for our favourite food, but how far would you go to get your hands on yours?
Two crooks in Northumberland went a step too far when they
broke into a cafe to steal some of their much loved quiche.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Could man-made burgers muscle into the market?

If you’re late in getting in on the story, I am of course
talking about the world’s very first burger made solely from stem cells in a
But the story which has split the views of many
professionals of how the burger got to the plate is a somewhat intriguing one.
It all began around three months ago with cows raised on an
organic farm.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Have ice cream vans vanished in the sun?
No summer would be complete without the chime of an ice
cream van.
But where have they all gone I hear you ask?
We were amazed to read that the number of ice cream vans on
Britains’s roads has dropped from 25,000 in the 1970s to just 5,000 today.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Sing when you’re winning or should that be eating?
“Champagne has the
taste of an apple peeled with a steel knife” – Aldous Huxley
But did you know that the serenade of out of tune happy birthdays
you get each year can actually make that jam sponge taste even better!
Monday, July 22, 2013
Could new plans spell the end to the packed lunch?
“I wouldn’t say that processed food, ready meals and even
takeaways aren’t relevant to modern life, it’s just that over the past 40 years
there are three generations of people who have come out of school and gone
through their home life without ever being shown how to cook properly.” - Jamie

But how much has changed in the past eight years?
Well just last week plans were put forward to ban packed
lunches and pupils barred from leaving school during breaks to buy junk food
under a government plan to increase the take-up of school meals.
Friday, July 12, 2013
The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread
‘The best thing since sliced bread’ is a phrase that many
will be familiar with.
But where does it actually come from?
Well this week marks the 85th anniversary since
the invention by Otto Frederick Rohwedder which put an end to shoddily hacked
up pieces of bread and hours of sweat and tears.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Clothes made out of food? You're taking the biscuit.

For many of us out there nice food is a guilty pleasure and for others it’s spending our hard earned cash on the latest designer gear.
We take a look at five of the top wackiest clothes items
crafted entirely from food.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Will new labels help to tighten the waistline?
“Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose!” - Karl Lagerfeld

The days of long listed diet plans seem a thing of the past, with calorie counting apps being snapped up from the App Store, as people look to pinpoint exactly what they’re putting into their body.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Could food on shelves dissappear after poor weather?
“Do you know what breakfast cereal is made of? It's made of all those little curly wooden shavings you find in pencil sharpeners!” – Roald Dahl
The met office revealed the average temperature from March
to May was just 43F.
We had to re-evaluate the price we charged for our products
due to our oatmeal prices rising 50%, our beef dripping by 75% an muntok white
pepper, which soared by an incredible 350%.
Further news arose this week of the effects it’s having on
food production as a whole.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Does the price of food leave a bad taste in your mouth?
Cookery is not chemistry. It is an art. It requires instinct and taste rather than exact measurement. – Marcel Boulestin

But if you were in the fortunate position of dominating the market would you resist the temptation of greed?
News broke today that authorities in Canada have charged food giants Nestle and Mars along with a network of independent wholesale distributors for fixing the price of chocolates.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Are fast food joints open to change?
“You can tell a lot about a fellow’s character by his way of eating jellybeans.” – Ronald Reagan

But would that passion be enough to persuade an American food giant to consider adopting that into their menus.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Unearthing one of the world's most closely guarded recipes
Friday, May 17, 2013
Waiter waiter there's a hair in my soup...
“Statistics show that of those who contract the habit of eating, very few survive.” – George Bernard Shaw.
But if you thought the recent horse meat scandal was a step too far then you might be shocked by the hidden ingredients in some of your favourite foods.
Waiter waiter there’s a hair in my soup.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Tasty food is more than meets the eye....
“So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.” – Frank Kafka.

It’s more than meets the eye according to Professor Barry
Smith at the London University Centre for the Study of the Senses.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Tea for two or two for Tea

The non wine connoisseurs amongst us we would get away with hoping the play safe white goes well with fish and a red will deliver with our meat, but a new drink is setting a trend and it’s one you might least expect.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Chillies turning the heat up in UK
"The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life. Either we suffer in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat.” – Albert Einstein.
When you walk down the fruit and vegetable isles in your local supermarket the choice is almost endless.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Is agriculture set for a bleak summer
“Shipping is a terrible thing to do to vegetables. They probably get jet-lagged, just like people.” – Elizabeth Berry.

But while most of us pack away our winter coats for another year those in the farming, horticultural and food industries can take little comfort in the given the damage they have suffered.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Have you ever worried about getting an injury from food?
“We may find in the long run that tinned food is a deadlier weapon than the machine-gun.” – George Orwell.

An Essex school just last week banned triangular shaped flap jacks after they caused injury to a pupil.
A boy was hit in the face by a flapjack resulting in the school leading a review into the texture and shape of the flap jacks.
Understandably health and safety executives deemed the decision as absurd stating that the issue was the fact pupils were throwing food at each other not the shape of the flapjack.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
How the loss of wild bees and other pollinators could affect our food
“It’s difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato.” – Lewis Grizzard
You might be forgiven for wondering what impact the decline of wild bees could have on food produced at the Speyside Specialities plant in Buckie.
But the role of the six legged insect in the food chain is of far more importance than you could ever imagine.
Without their pivotal role in the pollination of crops many of the ingredients we need to create our produce would be lost.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Welcome to Speyside Specialities
“One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.”
To quote the late Luciano Pavarotti, there truly is nothing better than devoting time, love and care to food.
Everyone at Speyside Specialities is passionate about making sure the products you buy from us bring you an overwhelming sense of satisfaction.
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